domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Sunday breakfast

Hi guys! I will share this delicious recipe that my girlfriend make to me this morning.

Spinach omelette:

1. Organic spinach(1 leaf)
2. Organic eggs (4 units)
3. Organic onions (2 tablespoons)
4. First cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.
5. Sea salt and pepper to taste.


Place the olive oil into a pan  over medium heat. Place onion inside of the skillet, cook for 4 to 5 minutes stirring occasionally until tender.

In a bowl beat the eggs with sea salt and pepper to taste.

Add eggs to the skillet and cook for five to ten minutes over medium heat. Place the spinach over the eggs and flip. Cook for another 4 to 5 minutes.


sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

Citrusy Banana-Oat Smoothie

Just founded this recipe at and I want to share it with you.

2/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 cup prepared quick-cooking oats
1/2 cup plain 2% reduced-fat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon flaxseed meal 
1 tablespoon honey 
1/2 teaspoon grated orange rind 
large banana, sliced and frozen
1 cup ice cubes

1. Combine first 7 ingredients in a blender; pulse to combine. Add ice; process until smooth.

First Steps

Hello everyone. This time I want to talk you about my new friends of Freeletics and Fitbit.

I don't buy already any fitbit gadget but I am now tracking my meals and my water consumption through the amazing app fitbit. Through this app you will be able to track your meals, water consumption, calories burned and track your exercise. Also you can make a plan for your personal weight if you have fitbit flex or any other device. According with each device you will find differents things you could track.

This is the best app I found when I search for a virtual personal trainer. Right now I am doing Metis routine, which is compoused by three rounds of three different excercises. The first one is called burpees and you will have to do 10 of this in the first round, 25 in the second and 10 in the third one. The second excersise is called climbers and you will have to do the same repetitions of the previous. For the third one, which is just jumping in a particular way you will have to do the same ammount of repetitions. Right now I am doing this training in about 20 minutes. Even though I can see other users of Freeletics cna do this routine in around 3 minutes I will continue. This app is really encouraging me to continue with this fitness new way of life.

Just fun and personal growth

I am just writing this lines for personal growth. I am not an english native speaker so you will find a lot of grammar mistakes that I want to have here instead of any other place that could make feel embarrassed. I don't spend a huge part of my time at gym. But I want to share with you all every step it will take for have a better way of life through a healthier diet and fitness and share this trip to anyone who want to read it.

Firstly I will give you a brief history of me. I currently work for a beverage and food company in Dominican Republic, my country of residence. Since I was born in Cuba and living the most part of my life in the Caribbean you will find a lot of jokes and uncommon things happening every day on this blog.

I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions just write it down.