sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

Just fun and personal growth

I am just writing this lines for personal growth. I am not an english native speaker so you will find a lot of grammar mistakes that I want to have here instead of any other place that could make feel embarrassed. I don't spend a huge part of my time at gym. But I want to share with you all every step it will take for have a better way of life through a healthier diet and fitness and share this trip to anyone who want to read it.

Firstly I will give you a brief history of me. I currently work for a beverage and food company in Dominican Republic, my country of residence. Since I was born in Cuba and living the most part of my life in the Caribbean you will find a lot of jokes and uncommon things happening every day on this blog.

I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions just write it down.

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